Here at Hard & Smart, we have huge variety of athletes who differ in age, goals and abilities. No matter your athlete profile, everyone is entitled to and deserves the services of a coach.

Here are just a few our athletes and what they have to say about us.

  • I've been with Hard and Smart for just over a year now and it's been the most consistent and enjoyable year of training I've ever done. Having such a knowledgeable coach takes any stress out of the training and has helped me stop running endless junk miles until I'm injured.

    You can always buy a standard training plan online but the regular feedback on training peaks and collaborative training planning really helps with staying positive and motivated after those bad sessions, and celebrating non-Strava wins, as well as making the training work for the individual, around whatever else is going on in life.

    Mark’s helped me get so much more out of myself, and enjoy training and racing so much more in the process.

  • I joined Hard&Smart at the start of he 2022 season. I felt i’d got stuck in a rut and needed pushing harder to enable me to hit my goals for the the year.

    Hard&Smart tick all the boxes!

    I get he tailored experience I was looking for which is sympathetic to my busy life outside of triathlon. Mark, y coach is super enthusiastic about triathlon, coaching and getting the best out of me.

    This manifests itself in a real focus on data, motivating me to hit my targets and the knowledge I have a coach there with a solution when I need it.

  • I always thought of getting a coach as something only elite athletes did but getting Mark to coach me is easily the best decision I've made in a long while. I've gone from a chaotic, over training schedule where I burned myself out every few months like clockwork to structured training that actually works. Since being with Hard&Smart I've got multiple running PB's, picked my swimming back up and even got the confidence to get on the bike, all thanks to Mark.

    Mark really takes the time to get to know you as a person and does so much more than just slapping together a training plan. He's always there to support you, listen to you and push you just enough out your comfort zone to get you to where you need to be and further.

  • I raced with Mark at the World Sprint Champs and experienced his drive, focus & diligence towards the race itself, while enjoying a fun & relaxed environment for the rest of the time - it was a great combination and has formed a great base once we started working together.

    I’ve been working with Mark since Nov 2023 and feel I have progressed a lot since then. My swimming is now so much more consistent and I feel I have a lot more control of pace on feel alone, similarly with my running where my feel, perception & top end speed have improved dramatically and I think this is all down to the sessions and work I've been doing.

    Mark's listened to my inputs & feedback throughout, tailoring the plan to fit a sometimes hectic schedule, and always being on hand to rein things in if need be. I've really appreciated the flexibility which has been needed to balance training with work.

    The first 6 months have been great, culminating in a European middle distance bronze - I'm excited to see where the rest of the season and beyond goes.

  • I’ve been working with Mark for a few months now and have loved every minute. My swimming has come on incredible amounts and I feel so confident in my bike and run ability.

    He’s been a much needed steady ship to my chaotic mind and has helped changed my whole outlook to training, racing and recovery. When I used to spiral into insecurity and self doubt after a difficult session, Mark has taught me to look at the bigger picture of my training and seek the positives.

    I’m so excited to see what my first season with

  • Working with Mark has been an awesome experience throughout.

    He invested in me from the start and made sure that I was able to balance my work commitments alongside maximising training benefit. Always on hand to answer any questions or give advice, the help he has given me went far beyond simply setting sessions and programming.

  • I asked Mark to write me a plan to complete the London marathon after i had decided to set myself this massive challenge as an overwhelmed millennial who “hates running”.

    I’d never run further than a half marathon before and often didn’t feel like a “proper runner”. We had an initial chat where Mark listened to my Whys and Aims and I felt he understood what I wanted and what motivated me without any judgement. He wrote a 21 week plan with an aim for me to run 3 times a week, with mileage building up over time in a sustainable and fun way.

    He added strength sessions to keep me injury free and these were really detailed and varied to keep it interesting and effective. We caught up during rest weeks and he had so much great advice about the marathon day itself, from fuelling to clothing and where my family can spectate.

    I’m happy to report I barely missed a workout in the 21 weeks and I successfully completed the marathon, injury free and with a strong finish. I’m so grateful to Mark’s expertise, wisdom and kindness while writing the perfect marathon plan tailored specifically to me.

    I couldn’t have done it without him.