Our values are simple and based on our mission to be coaches who care. Care in coaching involves showing genuine interest in an athlete’s development, providing support and encouragement, and creating a safe and trusting environment for open communication. By showing care in coaching, we establish a positive and productive coaching relationship with our athletes.


This is the biggest and best attribute any athlete can have and it’s why it’s our number one value.

It doesn’t matter if you train 15 hours or 5 hours a week. If you do it consistently then you can improve. We will look to get training opportunities planned in as consistent and manageable a way as possible based on your individual circumstances. 

As an athlete in our care, we will have a consistent approach to you regardless of your ability. We do not value one performance over another - they are your performances. 


Every athlete is different. Therefore all our coaching is athlete centred. Meaning that we will take the time to understand you and how your personal circumstances affect your training and coach you accordingly. 

This doesn’t just come down to how fast or how often you run. If you work shifts we will adapt around these. If you’re juggling family life we’ll find the best way to get the most out of your precious time. Sometimes life get’s in the way - and that’s ok. We adapt.

We also take a balanced approach to using both data and athlete feeling to monitor how you are responding to training and adapt accordingly.


Training for triathlons and endurance sport in general is hard. Not every training session or race will go your way. 

Resilient athletes can adapt to these setbacks more effectively, maintaining their focus and adjusting their strategies as needed. This ability to bounce back and stay committed to their goals is key to long-term success.

Endurance sports often involve repetitive motion, which can lead to overuse injuries. Physically resilient athletes are more adept at managing injuries, adhering to recovery protocols, and returning to their training more swiftly and safely.

Resilient athletes are better equipped to set realistic goals, stay motivated over the long haul, and overcome the numerous hurdles that can arise during their journey.


Do what you love. Love what you do. In order to physically better yourself you need be having fun along the way. We will always look for opportunities to keep training enjoyable allowing you to love the process as well as the eventual performance.

 An athlete is so much more than their physical ability and our philosophy centres around caring for the whole athlete. We use proven modelling strategies which consider biological (physical), psychological (mental), and social factors to influence your overall well-being. By being passionate about these wider circumstances we are able to drive performance to a much higher level.


By taking biopyschosocial factors into consideration we are able to:

  • Create a plan which allows you to be consistent week after week

  • Adapt to changing circumstances so you get the best out of your precious time

  • Develop mental resilience when life gets in the way and physical resilience to push your abilities

  • Have fun along the way